Thursday, 6 April 2017

The Root Curse of Domestic Violence - Money

Deborah Sawyerr

Hello everyone, I hope that you have been keeping well.

I am going to keep this one very brief today. It's been super busy lately with so many times going on. I must confess that being busy is a good sign that all is going according to plan.

I would like to share with a huge milestone that I achieved this week, but one that would never have happened without your support.

I am officially a published author. Yay!!! If only you could see me right now, I'm boggieing around all by myself. Thank you so much. I appreciate your continued support.

I bet you are itching to know how you can get your hands on the book called, Money: The Root "Curse" of Domestic Violence. 

Amazon has been a lifesaver for self publishers like us and I would like to say a big thanks to Amazon.

The book is such an easy read with a number funny stories dotted around the place. More importantly, it is a self-help ebook and paperwork designed with women in mind(men can buy it too). The book is written so that women who have, or still are victims of abuse because money is an issue, can begin to create their own wealth. And, such wealth can be created with or without money.

I'm hoping that I will receive some many wonderful testimonials where women share their stories of how the book changed their lives and perhaps even repaired their relationship.

If you live in the US, please use this personalised link to order your copy TODAY. If you live on this side of the water being the UK, here's your personalised link.
Deborah Sawyerr

Now, I must confess that there are one or two minor issues which I hope to get sorted out and these are as follows:

  • For my US fans, the FREE kindle version isn't quite ready. However, those in the UK can use this link to get a free kindle version.
  • Again, for my US fans, the paperback also isn't quite ready, but my UK fans can use this link.
I'm so sorry my US fans(I'll make it up to you soon), I have you on the forefront of my mind and I'm working very hard to hopefully get things sorted. These things happen when ones' fans are internationally based.

Once you grab your copy of the book, I would love to hear what you think about the book - even if you've only read the first Phase of the book(yes, the book is written in phases, not chapters). I'd love to hear what you think about the style, layout, what you enjoyed about the book and what you did not quite enjoy about the book too. I welcome all honest reviews which I encourage you to leave on Amazon.

So, before I finally go, I'd like to say a big thanks to you for the support and if you are not already on my mailing list, you can join it here(and I'll let you into a little secret, I'm also NOT a fan of sending spammy emails).

Until next time, be good and keep smiling as it's already Spring here in the UK.


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