Sunday, 29 December 2019

The Power of 3 as a Thank You

The Power of 3

It has been such a long time that I sat down to write anything. Suddenly, it occurred to me how I've been working in 3's without even realising it.

I'm no poet, but here we go:

3 stages in your financial blueprint
The foundation, structure and apex

3 bank accounts is what you need
The Need-to, The Want-to, The Must-do

3 percentages to your Money Makeover
50%, 10%, 40%

3 taglines

The Power of 3

3 is half of 6, the number of kids flashcards
Budget. Needs. Wants. Bucketlist. Save. Invest

3 years ago, Sawyerrs' House was established
You have made it happen. Thank you so very much.

Power of 3

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