Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Money Literacy in Africa

Hello and good day.
We are taking it back to Africa with the first leg of Radical Woman Conference Tour 2018.
Come join us please. We'd love to see you there.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

5 Tips to Improving Your Credit Score

Credit Score Restoration

Hello as it's been a while. In todays' post, I have 5 simple tips on improving your credit score.

  1. Obtain, check and understand your credit report.
  2. Query your credit report for unusual transactions or accounts
  3. Settle or clear debts(new and longstanding).
  4. Avoid taking on new debt
  5. Regularly check your credit report but don't get obsessive about it
And as a bonus, I'll give you the most important tip which is the godfather of all tip:

Thursday, 6 April 2017

The Root Curse of Domestic Violence - Money

Deborah Sawyerr

Hello everyone, I hope that you have been keeping well.

I am going to keep this one very brief today. It's been super busy lately with so many times going on. I must confess that being busy is a good sign that all is going according to plan.

I would like to share with a huge milestone that I achieved this week, but one that would never have happened without your support.

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Don't Believe The H.Y.P.E

Tech Tuesday, Cyber Monday, Black Friday or the Holiday Season are those buzzwords which definitely gets me excited!  Sometimes, retail ther...

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