Thursday, 20 December 2018

Why I Love What I Do

I am a Money Literacy Educator for kids of school age. This means that I educate children how to be money-smart - something that many of us as adults never learnt when we were young. 

I created my business best known as Sawyerrs' House following a very difficult time in my life whereby I noticed that my two young daughters were not being taught how to value money. I often refer to the birth of what I do as - From Pain To Gain.

Words cannot really explain how much I love what I do, but I will give it my best shot. First, I live, breath, eat, sleep and dream what I do. Yes, I am that passionate about impacting as many young peoples lives because I know firsthand the dangers of not being financially literate. I am never bored with what I do or ashamed of sharing with others what I do. 

I love what I do because there is never a time when I sit with young learners that I am not able to capture their attention and captivate them with my personal story of why I do what I do. I love to see the sheer excitement on their faces when I tell them the juicy parts of my story, only to drop a bombshell at the end. It's usually a rude awakening for them.

I love what I do because I notice that whenever I am educating young people(usually in the vicinity of their carers or parents), the adults typically eavesdrop on what I am teaching. As a result, the adults often get involve and ask so many questions for themselves. I find that very refreshing and an indication that adults also need this piece of education.

I love what I do because I started my business journey using my daughters as guinea pigs. Over time, I have seen an improvement in their attitude to money - mind you, my daughters haven't quite perfected it yet as financial literacy is lifelong learning.

I love what I do because very early on in my business and with the help of my daughters, I was able to put together a Money Literacy worksheet booklet and flashcards using a simple concept called Bring Nice Wellies But Stay Indoors. These six words represent the complete and basic money literacy terms for kids and adults alike.

I love what I do because when I tell people what I do, 9 times out of 10, their response is something along the lines of...".I wish someone taught me how to be smart with money when I was young".

Until next time,
Much 💙💚

P.S - Did you miss my last blog post? Here it is for your ease of access. Thanks.

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