Sunday, 29 December 2019

The Power of 3 as a Thank You

The Power of 3

It has been such a long time that I sat down to write anything. Suddenly, it occurred to me how I've been working in 3's without even realising it.

I'm no poet, but here we go:

3 stages in your financial blueprint
The foundation, structure and apex

3 bank accounts is what you need
The Need-to, The Want-to, The Must-do

3 percentages to your Money Makeover
50%, 10%, 40%

3 taglines

The Power of 3

3 is half of 6, the number of kids flashcards
Budget. Needs. Wants. Bucketlist. Save. Invest

3 years ago, Sawyerrs' House was established
You have made it happen. Thank you so very much.

Power of 3

Friday, 8 November 2019

Borrow-To-Horror [ How To Avoid This Happening to You]


Halloween may be over, but how much more financial nightmares can we afford to handle?

If you want to avoid the joy of borrowing turning into a nightmare of horror, click here to read what mine and that of others looks like.

One thing I can definitely say is that even I learnt so much from the other stories.

Until next time,
Much 💙

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Shop Till You Drop [A Handy Survival Kit for the Savvy Shopper]

Shop Till You Drop [A Handy Survival Kit for the Savvy Shopper]
Shop Till You Drop 

Shopping for the purpose of gifting is a fantastic gesture from one person to another. However, we must think with our heads and not just our hearts.

It does not matter if you are purchasing a gift during Thanksgiving or Christmas for a loved one or whether the gift is for you.

Real life story

Sometime last year, my sister was telling me how she overhead two female shoppers laminating about their spending. It was during the holiday season. One of the women was laminating about maxing out her credit credit on shopping for others. 

She then went on to say that she'll have to use monies from her January paycheck to cover her credit card.

I'm sharing this because this could happen to anyone of us. The unfortunate thing this that she would have to sacrifice some of her disposal income. As a result, she may even fall behind with other payments. Not to mention that it may take longer than one month to clear the debt. 

1) Tool kit #1
Let's focus on the errors we as shoppers make during the holiday season. Credit card spending is the first of these.

Shoppers who max out their credit cards to purchase gift items during the holidays do this because it is the one time of year when they may get to impress others with a kind gesture. Shoppers can avoid using their credit card by leaving their card at home. It removes the temptation of using their card.

Pretty basic, right! Nonetheless, we can get carried away what with all the bright lights going up in the shops.

Leading on from my first point, particularly when it comes to not having sufficient disposal income - desperation can quickly find its way into our heads.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

8 Simple Ways That Makes Gift-Buying and Party-Throwing A Breeze

Simple Ways That Makes Gift-Buying and Party-Throwing A Breeze
8 Simple Ways That Makes Gify-Buying A Breeze
  1. Purchase gifts in stages throughout the course of the year and well in advance of the gift-buying season.
  2. Join special schemes that focus on helping people to specifically save for holiday splurges.
  3. Only buy gifts for close families or friends.
  4. Ask friends and family who will be attending your party to bring with them a bottle or their favourite dish.

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Thursday, 26 September 2019

A Simple Money Formula by a 12 Year Old


Ecstatic is an understatement!

Before I get into elaborating more on why I was ecstatic and wowed by this savvy smart 12 year old, I have listed below 1 main initial reaction I had:

"Even if our kids aren't old enough to practice some of the smart money concepts they learn, it is still important to expose them to these concept."

Do you remember when you were a toddler and perhaps was dropped off at the daycare/nursery? Remember those nursery rhymes? Let me know which was your favourite nursery rhyme and which one scared you.

Well, many of those words in nursery rhymes meant nothing to us - we simply enjoyed the rhymes vs the words. Would you agree?

And then we got older and..

The older we get, the wiser we become - or so we should. As we grew from being a toddler into kids of school age, the words began to make more sense. I know it certainly did for me. I also noticed the same happened with my daughters.

The very same principle can be applied to the little guest speaker who spoke in the video. Exposure is still a crucial part of education for a child. Keep exposing them regardless of their age.

The more a child is exposed to varying money concepts over a period of time and on a repeated basis, the more the child grows in financial intelligence and responsibility. 

It's almost like when our kids are told at school to read books which challenge their imagination and vocabulary - regardless of the volume of the book.

Anyway, let's get straight into a list of things which stood out for me:

  1. Financial literacy for kids has an element of philanthropy
  2. Find what works for your child and run with it
  3. Give your child real money to learn from
I'd love to read your reaction to the video in the comment box. By the way, our No Sugar Coating post is a fun and factual read which you can't afford to miss.

Until next time,

Monday, 16 September 2019

No Sugar Coating - How to Say No To Our Little Angels

No sugar coating

Hello and welcome back to a very overdue post. As you know, I'm all about educating you on how to solve those difficult financial literacy challenges. Today is not different.

Anyway, without saying too much, can I please share an article I was recently featured in talking about how to simply say no to our children. The article has very short statements by other mothers like you and I. I found many of the statement so funny too. Oops, sorry, here's the link

Hey mums, have you ever found yourself saying yes when you really wanted to say no to your child?

I'd love to hear from you in the comments box.

Until next time, check out our kids website here


P.S - I'll be featured again on the UK Money Bloggers website on 23 September 2019 giving some inside information on why financial education.

Monday, 4 February 2019

Pop Quiz

Hello and welcome back to another post from me. As you know or may not know, I like to keep my post short, sweet and straight to the point.

Here is a pop quiz I took part in. It's something a little different but fun. Do kindly click here for details of it. 

Until next time,
Much love,

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